Sunday, January 6, 2013

MOBA for Diablo 3 PvP?

    Following Jay’s developer update on the state of PvP, Team Death match has been removed and they are “going back to the drawing board” for a replacement for Team Death match.

    Now I know not everyone here on Diablo: Inc Gamers plays WoW but I thought the latest data mining from the WoW 5.2 update, which has just gone live on the PTRs was interesting as it revealed a new Battleground called ”Defense of the Alehouse” which is obviously a play on the title DOTA. The WoW community is now excited at the prospect of a future DOTA/MOBA style Battleground based on the data mined video of the map.

    For those who have no idea what MOBA is, it stands for Multi player Online Battle Arena which usually involves two teams of heroes with a player controlling a single character to take out the opposing team’s base/structures. It’s sort of like playing an RTS with no building but there is character levelling and skill progression.

    Could the Diablo 3 and WoW teams be bashing heads together and they are now experimenting with new PvP modes in WoW, and possibly Diablo 3? The idea of MOBA style PvP may just work in Diablo 3 but it could take some time for the development team to put together.

   Would you be interested in some sort of MOBA style game mode for Diablo 3′ PvP?  dofus Acher

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