Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Not seal IP does not line up!"Age of Conan" the adoption of new technologies.

    Funcom's recent focus is undoubtedly the "mysterious world", but this does not mean that they have forgotten "Age of Conan". In fact on the contrary, the successful application of the single server in the "mysterious world" but also to "Age of Conan" refers to the a clear way, "Age of Conan" can also start using the same technology. According to this month, the latest update, "Age of Conan" improvements will be completed early next year. However, players can still freely switch servers and friends to play with or enjoy a staggered server activity.

    The other hand, the "Age of Conan" as well as for the development and deployment of the current contents of the other updates, this update will this game have a more far-reaching impact. The R & D team is going to change a massive update many past practices, the use of small-scale, but the speed up the update frequency of the practice. (1)

   Single-server refers to the server, there are multiple dimensions (dimensions), the player must first create a role selected, select the server similar to the other games, but different players of different dimensions can chat team by adding the same Association. Another advantage of the single-server, the game is only one economic system, operators only need to maintain the economic balance of a server. The players even more do not have to worry about the distribution of different friends on different servers do not have to spend money to turn the server in order to reunite with friends. (2-8)

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